The retail market today is not as same as it once used to be. Shoppers now are more inclined to shop online than in the local markets. Besides, online shopping in today’s pandemic-hit world is not just convenient but safer. However, with customers turning to e-commerce for their needs in abundance the challenge for e-store owners to keep their services on top is greater than ever.

Just like yours, countless other Shopify stores are offering the same products and services. Therefore, you must optimize your Shopify store for Google effectively to ensure that your services reach out to potential customers whenever they search for it online.

Here we are going to list down some of the major tips that will help you optimize your Shopify store for Google comprehensively.

Optimize Your Site’s Structure

Optimizing your site’s structure is crucial because it makes it easier for Google crawlers to find and index the content on your website for the search engine result pages (SERPs). It is no different than walking into a store and getting easy directions making it effortless to shop without getting lost and confused.

Your site structure is optimized when all the content is well-categorized, every URL on the website is simple to read and uses standard characters, has improved internal linking, etc. The idea behind optimizing the site structure is to enhance user experience and make sure the search engine can easily identify your content and rank your website on SERPs accordingly.

Use Secure Socket Locker (SSL)

If your website doesn’t use ‘http://’ with SSL, your Shopify store won’t be preferred by the search engines. Plus, internet users tend to favor secure websites which allows them to trust the website while surfing through it. This is why securing your e-store with an SSL certificate is of utmost importance.

For Shopify store owners, it can be done easily through your Shopify dashboard. Activating SSL certificate is provided to the store owners as a part of the subscription. Although for those who are switching their website to Shopify, a handful of technical work is needed for the certification. You can check out Google’s guidelines on the same before migrating your store.

Alt Texts and Optimized File Names for Images

The images that you use on your Shopify store play a huge role in ranking. The search engine algorithms consider your alt texts and file names for indexing. To add the alt text to your images, double click on the picture on the website’s page, and then a box will appear and you will find the alt text option there.

Changing your file names in Shopify is not easy. So, make sure you carefully use the right one while uploading it on Shopify. The title of the product’s image should be what the product is instead of random numeric. Otherwise, you will have to delete and re-upload the image which can be a daunting task for a website with thousands of products.

Register your Shopify Store with Google Search Console

To ensure that your Shopify e-store gets recognized and indexed by Google, you must get it registered with Google Search Console. By doing so, you are providing your site’s SEO a major boost. Through the Google Search Console, you get information on how Google crawls and indexed a website on SERPs.

While registering, you should get both your www and non-www version of the website registered on the platform. When your website is registered, you are letting the search engine know that your Shopify store exists and is ready to be crawled and indexed.


The above-mentioned points are some of the key tips that you should keep in mind. These will surely help you optimize your Shopify store for Google. But you need to hire an experienced SEO service provider for the same. You can reach out to WillShall for their expert Shopify SEO services in India to optimize and get the right traffic on your website.

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