Hey, millennials and Gen-Z! You may be familiar with the featured snippets that the Chrome web browser used to showcase at the topmost section of a Search Engine Request Page (SERP). Stress upon the word “used to”, as the game has completely changed now! Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) has taken over both SEO Trends and Search Engine Performance. Now that’s a whole new world to be explored by blog posters and online businesses. The Digital Marketing Insights and trends they are so habituated with are under change, as current SGE trends function differently.

What is this Search Generative Experience all about?

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) is an AI experiment conducted by Google Labs. In this model, the search engine utilizes the power of AI and generates snapshots of answers to user’s queries. It also includes a section for follow-up questions to ask, with a few of them suggested below.

Search generative

Let’s say, for example, you searched “What is Artificial intelligence?” in the web browser. By using the power of generative AI (Gen AI), which is what ChatGPT is based on, Chrome will render SERPs by collecting information from the top-rated and best-quality websites, which comprises a brief summary, related articles, and others. All these before the actual traditional search results!

Marketers and seasoned SEO experts, can join the dots and comprehend the change in the Google Search Algorithms and Search Engine Rankings of websites. All caused due to this introduction of SGE. The follow-up question section may appear to be interesting at a glance but with the decreasing attention span, customers will switch directly to places like Amazon or Flipkart. Additionally, the SEO content guidelines will be affected greatly. Thus SEO teams have to work extensively hard to match up with the SGE results to ensure their SEO content effectiveness. But practically, it is humanly impossible to tick mark every SGE checkbox for Google Search Optimization. The SGE model is still in its beta stage, which means it will continue improving and evolving. Thus, investigating effective search strategies based on the current patterns will not be a wise move. So does it mean that SEO ideologies and Website Ranking Strategies are now an obsolete field to step foot in? Absolutely not!

Check out the 5 Dos and Don’ts to ace your SEO game even amidst this SGE outbreak!

5 Critical Optimization Dos that you should be aware of while dealing with SGE

Here are the best ways you should implement while generating SEO-friendly content for your websites!

  1. Pay more attention to the Product pages over category ones –

    Google Search Ranking Factors for Category Pages will no longer be taken into much consideration, in case of SGE results. Thus SEO experts and content writers should focus more on developing high-quality product pages.

    These pages are showcased more on the SGE results for any user query and determine the Search engine ranking for a particular website. You should include well-crafted and detailed product descriptions, price tags, product reviews from customers, etc. SGE puts them under “tags” and is compared with one another.

  2. Don’t stress upon Keyword research for blogs –

    Keyword research has been a top-rated tool for SEO content effectiveness for years. But SGE content optimization is a whole different ball game! Here emphasizing keyword research won’t win you the battle. The AI-driven approach of SGE is changing at a rapid rate. Thus nowadays, by the time research tools deliver relevant keywords, the word may have been already oversaturated.

    The rewarding way is to use SGE itself. Look at the suggested questions provided at the bottom for users to converse with. So integrate these into your work more. How and when? You will know the better way!

  3. Emphasize more on middle and bottom-funnel content –

    With this new advent of SGE, the content on the top of the funnel will already be addressed in the Generative section of the SERPs. Thus according to Website Ranking strategies, it will be useless to focus on top-level content for your websites.

    Rather, focus on middle and bottom-funnel content more, as they will certainly not be answered by Search Generative Experience. What it means, is to include more specific search topics, which will result in you appearing in the leader table of SEO ranking.

  4. Build your page on conversational and natural language –

    There’s literally a chatting option available for users in the Search Generative Experience. This allows the browser to examine and understand the human requirement more specifically.

    Building your website in a more conversational and natural dialect allows you to shine on top of the Google Search Algorithm. Using natural language can enhance user experience (UX) and aid Google in properly indexing your website by helping it comprehend the content.

  5. Modify your revenue reporting –

    A decline in organic traffic, clicks, click-through rates, and impressions has been expected, ever since SGE kicked in. It’s unlikely that Google Search Console will be able to obtain this information accurately.

    Use your time wisely to develop more accurate, revenue-based data for your search engine optimization initiatives.

What are the top 5 Don’ts then?

  • Never overlook first-hand experiences –

    To feed to the search engine, the first-hand or the human touch is often ignored. You need to always prioritize human emotions over the engine. That’s what segregates humans and AI!

    Incorporating first-had perspectives is hugely essential for personalizing your webpage, as Gen-AI can’t cater to human emotions, opinions, and experiences. This can add great value to your content in terms of Google Search optimization.

  • Don’t ignore long-tail keywords –

    What do you think of these search queries – “marketing strategies for Instagram business” and “Instagram business”? Ain’’t the first phrase hit right on the money compared to the second one? This is the power of including long-tail keywords in your website!

    These keywords cater to more in-depth, specific search results on the browser. Thus, it’s a vital tool if you want to push your content up above the SGE content!

  • Avoid escaping from change –

    As always, this universal phrase finds its fit in every context, which says, “Change is the only constant”! You absolutely shouldn’t be resistive or opposed to the advent of SGE.

    Take it easy and spend time analyzing the SEO best practices for SGE content optimization. Experiment with the SEO content guidelines, and wait to observe where your new and past contents stands on this new model.

  • Duplicate content is a big NO –

    Google severely penalizes any redundant or duplicate content on any website, as it hampers its process of ranking content based on SEO. The most authoritative content demands an original and self-researched piece of content and should add value to the customers.

    Make regular changes to your subject matter, so that no duplicity arises in it, thus retaining your online game at the top!

  • Don’t stress any less on ping time-

    Ping time or latency is a factor that you should never forget to pay attention to. Google Search optimization relies greatly on the speed of delivery of any website. In this Generative Ecosystem, slow-loading pages are a big turnoff to Google Search ranking factors.

    Keep it a note to invest in powerful servers, and hostings for your websites. Implement browser caching to provide the best experience to your client.


The Generative AI era has officially commenced! No wonder, the defining laws and practices of SEO have undergone a massive change. But the wisest move is to remain patient and not indulge in the complete reconstruction of new SEO content guidelines.

Don’t just merely run after search rankings. Remember that effective user-centric methods and high-quality content always leave a lasting impression.

seo boost

Optimizing Content for Google Search: 5 Essential Dos & Don’ts in the Generative Experience (SGE)

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